Be A Light In The World |
The Archangel is a complete collection of our Latin alphabet letters, each decorated with a specific lantern and flower (or plant). A mixed media comprised of a predominance of ink, watercolor, and acrylics was used in the construction of the letters. As a 100% manually created work, each one of the 26 letters was thoroughly dimensioned to match in size. It was first created as a typography font in mind but instead, it developed into a decor letter type however, the collection still follows and retains the typography font's building rules.
Regarding the name of the collection, it was strongly inspired by a special Archangel. The grace and peace of the design reflect the name! The Archangel's message is "
Be a light in the world". In other words, the message is for one to make a difference in the life of others in some unique way (as this is the true purpose of us all being here on this planet) and by doing so, this world becomes a much better place to be.
Archangel Collection in its original form is not available for sale as it is now the property of a collector who displays it in his study as an addition to his other
private collections however, copies will be made available for whoever is interested to purchase them. I will share the details at a later time.
Best Wishes!