Showing posts with label Trees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trees. Show all posts

Infinite Sky

Magnificent trees reach out to the infinite sky in a gesture of
gratitude for the beautiful sunny day.
Coastal ME


A New Day


A new day emerges, breaking from the darkness of the night. It reveals the
beauty of trees in full bloom. Oh see, my dear, it is spring in its utmost glory!
Coastal ME

In The Moment


Two hearts immersed in the peace and beauty of the moment
Meredith, NH

The Night Falls


The night falls peacefully on an autumn day. Southern NH

About Trees

What is so special about trees? Well, they are just special! Western MA


The evening is calmly giving room to the night. The creatures of the forest retreat.


Flowers bloom in thousands, the message is of hope and joy. Southern ME

To The Sky

Tall trees reaching out to the sky as if they attempt to touch the clouds. W. MA

To The Moon

If trees keep on growing higher and higher, maybe we could climb up to the Moon.

Setting Sun

The soft evening light breaking through the forest trees announces the setting sun.

Blue Sky

Below the big blue sky are also all the beautiful trees. Western MA


The branches of the tree spread widely in a loving gesture to embrace all beings.


The color of the trees is of vibrant green, giving the feeling of rejuvenation. VT


Adorned with beautiful flowers, the tree reminds us all that life is made of seasons.


Flowering trees rarely go unnoticed. Is it the beauty or is it the message of hope?


In spring, nature dresses all trees young and older, in new clothing and adornment.


Spring, the season that reminds of brand new beginnings. North NH