Archangel F

(Angel Numbers)

Letter F

Being the sixth letter of the alphabet, F is associated with the qualities of Number 6.

Number 6 is related to the vibrations and energies of unconditional love, balance and harmony, home and family, domesticity, parenthood, guardianship, service to others, selflessness, responsibility, nurturing, care, empathy and sympathy, self-sacrifice, humanitarianism, the ability to compromise, emotional depth, honesty and integrity, adjustment, stability, poise, protection, firmness, healing, idealism, just and justice, conscientiousness, burden-fearing, solution-finding, problem-solving, seeing clearly, teaching, convention, curiosity, peace and peacefulness, circulation, grace and dignity, simplicity, reliability, material needs and economy, providing and provision, agriculture and growth, musical talent. Number 6 relates to problem-solving and signifies the need for stability in all aspects of your life.

Read More here: Sacred Scribes
See also Takanta, for more interesting information on the great mysteries of Numerology.